Today I've got a coral mushroom for you which really isn't a coral mushroom (genus Ramaria) but genus Calocera, species C. viscosa (German Klebriger Hörnling and various dialectal names, where I was born they were named Hahnaplega, which means cockscombs, thus describing nothing but the looks).
They're abundant and seem to grow anywhere, anytime, wherever they find dead wood to grow on and enough moisture to thrive.
As for taste, they taste of nothing, and as for smell, they hardly have any to speak of. As for consistence, they're similar to chewing gum. We ate them when we were young - raw, too, but we also cooked them. In theory they are not edible but neither poisonous - they just don't have any nutritional value.
For us, when we were kids, they were our ersatz chewing gum. Today's kids don't bother with them, they buy their gums in shops.