Today's picture again is from Lobau, taken some weeks ago on the same day as yesterday's. This being the beginning of july, it's extremely extraordinary for the birch trees to already show yellow leaves, and as I went to Lobau some days previously this same tree already had shed almost all of it's leaves.
To the bushes shown yesterday (you'll find lots of them just behind this birch tree) I might add that they are hosts to snails eating their leaves: I think it's the species Cepea hortensis. Maybe I'll show them sometime later.
It was quite a hot year in Austria so far, especially here in the east of the country. A weak, warm winter 2006/07 was followed by a warm and dry spring (thaw there was almost none around Vienna, as there was hardly any snow) and moderately dry beginning of summer. Very unusual, all of this.(PS, if you wonder about the tyres: I got up at half past five and just caught the sun rising, temperature at a mere twenty-five degrees centigrade, or seventy-seven degrees Fahrenheit; it was easy to fix them both in such pleasant conditions. So really now I could put off this blog, the cause being cured. Unfortunately, it seems, it's too late for that.)